


I came to Jeremy with a labral tear in my hip that creates a pinch when I walk. He had already worked with two other folks that happen to have labral tears which was awesome. After a few weeks I can definitely say that every time I walk in and my hip is pinching, I leave and it is not. If you don’t believe this, ask Jeremy for my number and I will tell you myself. We’ve figured out where the tension is and he will do some deep massage and stretching in that area. I also just really like Jeremy as a person. We always end up laughing and he loves to talk while we work. Lastly, I’m a comedian AKA not rich, and he was definitely willing to work with my budget.


Total Fit and Rehab


I came to Jeremy with a labral tear in my hip that creates a pinch when I walk. He had already worked with two other folks that happen to have labral tears which was awesome. After a few weeks I can definitely say that every time I walk in and my hip is pinching, I leave and it is not. If you don’t believe this, ask Jeremy for my number and I will tell you myself. We’ve figured out where the tension is and he will do some deep massage and stretching in that area. I also just really like Jeremy as a person. We always end up laughing and he loves to talk while we work. Lastly, I’m a comedian AKA not rich, and he was definitely willing to work with my budget.

Your complete solution to a healthy fit body.

10550 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90232